Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Here we are in the swing of things, this week a tv ad regarding the wine tasting event on July12th and 13th will air on KWVT / KSLM / KPWC 17 - Willamette Valley Television
27 - Retro TV Oregon and
37 - Azteca Oregon
Further we have ad space in two newspapers, the East County Gazette in the Portland area and Westside newspaper in Salem and appeared in the Portland Guide and Oregon Symphony booklet during our own Chris Botti concert early May.
At the moment I'm working at a e-mail campaign to finish off this round of marketing. As reported before, this years wine tasting is in collaboration with the Eagle Rock Lodge and McKenzie River Mountain resort and features three wineries each stationed at one of the venues. I think we are off to a great start of this summer having the wine tasting at the same time as the Oregon Lavender Festival, which is just around the corner. Cheers!

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