My friends Jacob and Geno were here for five days and it was good seeing them back again. Unfortunately they brought a bug with them keeping them in bed for several days occasionally soaking up some sun on the McKenzie River Inn patio. Still they were able to pay a visit at the Koosah and Sahalie falls to enjoy the fast amounts of water accumulated by the rainy days days before and alongside the trail between the falls. They visited the next day the Terwilliger hot springs and later that day Bert's Guide Service provided a scenic float in the McKenzie driftboat from Hamlin to Silver Creek boat landing, which was very much appreciated. Bert also cooked an Indonesian dinner for both to accompany the mutual exchanged stories and shared memories about band members in the several rock bands Jacob and Bert used to play in, the tennis matches, the developments in the old country, family matters and of course wine from our beloved Rolling Bay Winery. Because that is what make friends so important, ...forgotten stashed away events in your memory banks resurface and they put a smile on your face especially when you say: "O yeah, now I remember, ...I almost forgot about it!"
Hopefully Jacob and Geno will make it back the the McKenzie River Inn soon, with loads of other subjects and memories and ...without that bug!
Hopefully Jacob and Geno will make it back the the McKenzie River Inn soon, with loads of other subjects and memories and ...without that bug!