Saturday, December 11, 2010

As Christmas is approaching we also have to get things ready for after the Holidays. The big walnut tree that lines the drive way across the log cabin begs for a trim. Many 'runners' go vertical up from the main branches forming quite a load, especially with snow. Boat, fishing- and rafting gear needs to be cleaned and stored and here and there replaced, painted or otherwise maintained. Did I mentioned carpet? We can't replace it all at one time, but I really need take out the one that is an eyesore (actually for my eye's) for some time now and bring in some new colors and higher quality. Those are just a few things that comes to my mind knowing that this month of December makes me read an extra book and pull out that nice bottle of wine that is waiting in the cellar and ready to be opened, and sit in front of the fireplace and know we are going to lift these chores over the Holidays. Sounds like a very good new years resolution to me!!...Happy Holidays!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A great Summer!

We are in full swing and so is the summer weather. Guests are appreciating the blue sunny skies and green lawns and orchard that we have been watering religiously. The annual BBQ (last Saturday of June) brought us many guests and visitors and we had the pleasure to have Alphonse, wine maker and owner of Rolling Bay Winery, ( doing the honors of serving a variety of award winning wines (his Manitou Red won several gold medals this year) to our guests.
For our musical needs Bert played light and sang acoustic songs along side with Jacob (Jaap) on flute. It turned out to be another successful combination. Guests raved about the wines and appreciated the musicians efforts to please everyone with original and known songs. Local Howard Pinnock at 104 years of age, enjoyed a fishing trip with William and the festivities and delicous food prepared by Hubertina and Ellie. Cedric dressed up in his outfit of his ballet recital and Isabelle looked gorgeous in her Flamenco dress Jacob brought over from Spain where he lives.
Next day family and friends could enjoy rafting and a drift-boat float on the fabulous McKenzie river.
We also had the pleasure of having Berts niece Odette, who's living in Berlin, Germany, over. Her husband Ben had to be in Portland for a work shop and spend some time at the McKenzie River Inn. A great way of seeing each other again after such a long time. The introduction to the magnificent Koosah and Sahalie waterfalls as much as the lava fields and the town of Sister was one of the highlights of their stay with us.
Together with seeing many returning guests again we already experience another excellent season.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring fever

After months of sunny weather we allow the rain to fill up the river and form snow caps on the mountains to ensure required water levels for the summer season. River rafting and fly-fishing are just around the corner and yes, we've been out there already and did some great training runs on the upper McKenzie. A special thanks to my mock-clients Theresa, Dick, Nadine andRon to warm me up for this upcoming season.

At the McKenzie River Inn we have been upgrading our wireless high speed internet for better accessibility and
of course higher speeds. Especially for our business guests it is a must to have a broadband connection that meets the highest demands for internet access. Our internet service provider ensured us designated server space an routing to it, so drop outs should be a thing of the past.

The McKenzie River Inn hosted for the fourth year the 28th annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference with more participants than ever before and our lodge, as well our cabins were jam-packed with people, drawing in representatives as far as from the Dakota's. Over the years I have been reporting about this event and have to say that we keep learning more and more about the perspective of the first Americans. It is obvious that the complexity of environmental issue's and the necessity to find solutions for it's problems (as well for the economic, social and ecological situations) a matter is for all of us, and needless to say, to be dealt with and overcome.
The added value for all participants of this conference is the force or feeling that unites people in general and especially within the realm of common emotion and/or interest. Clearly at the end of the conference there was a bond of understanding between all of us, as a (growing) group.

As I'm out and about, guests and other people will often ask me if the bed and breakfast business has slowed down due to the recession. You know with the recession our country is in, my expectation was that people wouldn't to be traveling as much, I was wrong. I can happily reply that business hasn't been bad. Yes, it slowed down mid-October last year as it always does and we didn't get that Indian summer we wished for. So who are these people that can afford and keep traveling? This is my take on it. There are still the events in the area that attract certain guests--events that people look forward to or plan for year after year. But, in between the events, what reasons do people find to travel? I think that recession or no-recession, people work hard and need a vacation. Those people are usually resourceful and taking vacations closer to home. Some guests come from as close as an hour's drive, some come from the Portland area or Roseburg or coast to get a peak at our historic lodge and to experience the bed and breakfast hospitality. Guests may not be traveling as far to get away, but they still can feel rested, relaxed and "vacationed" by checking into a bed and breakfast or one of our cabins.
Low cost and free activities in Eugene or here in the McKenzie Valley enhance their get-a-way so once here guests do not need to spend a lot of money to have fun. Some bring their mountain bikes and ride our beautiful and free McKenzie River Trail or experience hiking in our Willamette National Forest. Others take great pleasure in a soak in the Terwilliger Hot Spring or spent a few hours floating the McKenzie river in a drift boat. For lunch and dinner, the McKenzie Valley has a wide variety of restaurants to choose from so dining out does not have to be expensive.
The recession has not been to bad for the bed and breakfast business in general. For us it's actually great to see people stretching their imaginations to come up with ways to vacation without emptying their wallets. So, if you've been thinking of spring flowers and the sme
ll of a cup of steaming hot coffee and a peach cobbler, you might consider a drive to the McKenzie river and if you there stay in a room or cabin at the McKenzie River Inn. I have to get back to work ....for you.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Winter in Lane County

After the Artic cold spell in November we are experiencing a total different weather pattern in January with temperatures hovering around the low and mid-fifties for almost two weeks now. Some of our Indian Plum and rose bushes have new leaves on their branches and with a little concern for what still has to come I watch this young fresh green. Blooming purple forest violets, beat the prim roses with their colorful display on the front lawn at the river and it's hard to believe we have snow in the forecast tomorrow night January 22nd. Hmm, ....isn't that Hubertina's birthday?

Earlier this week I was able to work on my drift boat that was in need of some TLC. With these temperatures urethane and epoxy cures within normal dry times what makes me getting ahead of the fishing season which start this weekend when we are fishing for Steelhead below the Leaburg dam. Checking gear, tackle and material has been high on the priority list and the push for completing this task becomes a lot easier with this unusual 'warm' weather.

We also start our preparations for the upcoming 28th annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference at the end of February. After a very successful conference in 2009 we are looking at an even higher attendance this year resulting in a five day event instead of the three days in previous years. As one of the international 13 indigenous Grandmothers ( Agnes Pilgrim (oldest living member of the Eastern Oregon Takelma tribe) confirmed her presence as well as Art George, Benny Mills, Joe Brown, Joe Cross and Calvin Hecocta (member of the Numa tribe near Beatty, Oregon). This all will be topped of with a traditional fish bake at the McKenzie River Inn Bed & Breakfast and Cabins.
A good start of a new year. Hope you too will do well in 2010.